Archive for December 2011

Christmas break

TRAZER team will be out on Christmas break :)

Enjoy the game everyone

Travian Tactics - Choosing your capital

It is crucial to choose the best capital village when playing travian. This could either be a 15c, or a 9c but for my personal choice I always go for 15c with 150% crop bonus if possible.

In the beginning of the game, it is important to scout your area for near 15c with added bonuses. If you don't find one near it is best to delete your account and start over again until you find one strategically located near your area.

After your capital is established, it is important to clear the area from possible competition. To do this you need to farm their village as often as possible until they quit the game, if it doesn't work then catapult them to 0 as soon as you can. I usually clear 21x21 tiles around my capital city to make sure that it is safe from any threat.

Secure all crops oasis in the area starting with the 50% bonus. while slowly killing all competition. This way you control the area, usually player delete there accounts from 1-10 days of continuous raiding, do not agree to any plead for mercy.

You would also need to build "Feeder" villages to support your capital's growth. Feeder villages are villages built to supply resource to your capital, these villages do not create any troops. what they usually have is a Market, a Trading Office, 2-3 level 20 warehouse, 3-4 level 20 granary. lumber mill, Brickyard, Iron Foundry, bakery, Grain Mill, Heroes Mansion (if there are oasis in the area) no infrastructure for military except for maybe a barracks which is required to build other buildings.

New Screen for Auto farming

We have improved user interface for Auto farming specifically in terms of usability.

New Function for Auto Builder

We have improve our auto build UI it now includes the building picture also you can now change the priority for each building. We have also made Auto Building Bias available on a per village basis instead of being an account wide configuration.

We have also made some fixes in the Log Reader where it does not properly walk the pages.

please see screenshot below for the new screen

New Function for Farm List

TRAZER BOT have new function for farming in travian, we have added a village farm options that will enable you to control your farming behavior.

  • Enable/Disable farm list on a specific village
  • Enable/Disable farming of natar villages
  • Farm Max range (if it is set to 0 then there is no max distance)
  • Max Maintain troops in village (maintain certain amount of troops in village for hammer gathering)

Improvements on Log Reader

We have improved the log reader for TRAZER BOT, now it will only read attacks/raids reports. leaving the other logs untouched for you to review, until a specific reader is created for it.

Enjoy :)

Optimized TravianBotEngine

We have further optimized the TravianBotEngine, this is the heart of TRAZER BOT which manages its event queues and running request... It should have lesser locking on the UI, and should handle threading a lot better. With this we are excited to announce that the log synchronization (Log Reader) is running asynchronously with any other task, since it is not a village specific process it should not have any conflict.

New Function for Resource Upgrade

We have added an "All to" function in which you can just type the maximum levels you want your resource tile to be and it will automatically create the necessary build information.

also we have added the village type (upper right corner) and the resource production information (lower part). with this using TRAZER BOT is even less tedious!

enjoy :)

Travian Tactics - Build Order

This will be the first entry of our Travian Tactics, we provide tactics to new players on how to become masters of Travian.
One of the most important phase in Travian is how you set-up your village in the most optimal way. This is crucial since you could either be a few hours-days delayed compare to your neighbors which in the long run would become your disadvantage.

When building your first village, make sure you distribute the building order in 1 clay, 1 wood, 1 iron, 2 crop, upgrade Main Building to level 5 as fast as you can, but only if you cannot afford the resource tile yet. Granny and warehouses are to be built only when needed. raise rally point to level 1 and barracks to around level 1-2 depending on your tribe (this works for Teutons). create level 1 cranny (which is required by the quest). do not build any other structures, that you wont need for now. like, heroes mansion, embassy, market place (you can build but only to level 1 for now), etc.

You need to push your resource tile to around level 4-5 before you start building residence.

Also remember to finish the beginners quest as soon as you can as it provides vital, resources/bonuses for you to advance faster.

Additional Option for Log Reader

We have added additional feature for the log reader, now you can either turn it on or turn it off.. previously it was always on, there's no way of disabling the log synchronization which might be too intrusive for other players who are just using the bot for auto building, trading, training only.