TRAZER BOT is 100% undetectable, safe, effective and fully configurable. It includes the most amazing scheduling mechanism to ensure all task is executed on time without delays, on top of that TRAZER BOT is 100% FREE for 30 days with all functionality fully executable .exe file. DONATIONS are optional to keep the TRAZER development alive.
TRAZER BOT does not use any browser behind its engine, therefore it is more efficient, and fast because it does not wait for images to load before it can start analyzing and executing. TRAZER BOT uses powerful regular expression to parse information, so its more likely it will support multiple travian languages. if it does not then you can just contact us, so we can improve our engine.
The TRAZERBOT Team has been testing the BOT for months without getting caught/raised suspicions from multi-hunters
Features Include
- Simple and Intuitive User Interface
- Auto Login
- Auto Trading
- Auto Reinforcements
- Auto Farming
- Auto Building Upgrade
- Auto Building From 0
- Auto Resource Upgrade
- Village Analyzer
- Natar Farm Search Tool
- Auto Troop Trainer
- Log Reader and Statistics
- Anti Ban
- Auto Unit Research
- Auto Unit Upgrade
- Auto Demolition From Main Building
- Proxy Support
- Become more productive at work without sacrificing your travian addiction.
- Spend more time with your family and friends.
- If you're a student, it gives you more time to prepare for those long exams.
- Going on vacation has never been this fun, knowing that TRAZERBOT is taking care of your villages.
- No more sleepless nights trying to coordinate attacks and achieve an attack medal.
- No Sitter? TRAZERBOT can sit your account and will only do what you want it to do.
- Cropper Tool
Auto Unit ResearchAuto Unit UpgradeAuto Demolition From Main Building- Market Trading
- Map Tool
- Message Reader
- Attack Alert System
Proxy Support- Farm Discovery (using alliance farms)