Consider your donation to TRAZERBOT as an "investment". As we all know software development cost time and money, TRAZERBOT developer(s) spend countless of unpaid hours in development, testing and user support... making sure that users are kept happy and empowered to do other things in real life. All for the sake of making a cheap-to-free alternative travian bot that everyone can enjoy.
Free users get 30 days playing time
- 10.77$ extend a free account for another 3 months
- 16$ unlock expiration date of a free account (1 user, 1 server)
But if you want to donate to unlock your account we will need you to send us an email containing the following information, this will help in the maintenance of trazerbot's development.
To: Subject: TRAZERBOT Donation Email: Server: Username: dummyUser Hi I made a donation of $(10.77, 16) to extend/unlock my account can you please upgrade my account.------------------------------------
Note: Please give us 24-72 hrs to process your application. for now, we only support windows user.