TRAZERBOT - Release Notes 

  • Implemented T4.2 Parsing engine
  • Fixed some issues
Installation Notes:
  • Create new folder, do not overwrite
Notes: is not backward compatible, you need to have 2 versions if you are playing both travian 4.2 and 4.1

15 Responses to TRAZERBOT for T4.2

  1. Anonymous says:

    works great!

  2. ??? says:

    i downloaded the file and unpack it. then i tried to run TRAZERBOT.EXE(3.111KB) but it didnt open and didnt gave any error. it just didnt run. i have framework 4.5 and i also tried to run it as using win 7 i also tried to run in compatibility mode but i couldnt run the .exe

    help pls.

  3. Anonymous says:

    working great for me, its in the documentation :p

  4. Anonymous says:


    Everytime I look for people under 40 population with village search option, 10 people with over 40 population pops up on the search list. I assume that is because the map trazer bot downloads isn't updated very often. This leads to the death of many innocent clubbies. Is there a way to search for farms with updated populations?


  5. Anonymous says:

    the map.sql is one day behind... from the server, if you have been running trazerbot for more than 24hrs there is a chance that your map sql is out dated for 2 days or so..

  6. Anonymous says:

    Anyone knows if the developers are planning to implement a notification system anytime soon that sends information trough an e-mail, say: when you are being attacked or when crops are running out ;)

  7. Anonymous says:


    I run the bot on T4.2, it connect but i can not do anything (and my cpu load at 100%).

    Is this the reason « we are currently encountering issue with the verification server, and I am currently contacting the service provider please be patient » ? Theres no date near this comment, so I ask.

    Thank you for answering and your work.

  8. Unknown says:

    the verification server issue is already fixed.. can you tell us your System specs, including OS.

  9. Anonymous says:


    WXP Pro 5.1 Service Pack 3
    2 CPU's - AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+, 2.31 GHz
    RAM : 3072 Mo
    Firefox 20.0.1

    When I run the bot I get this :

    And I can not do anything more. I close it after 15-20mn 100% cpu load. Maybe I should wait more long time?

    I have club gold if you want to test the server I'm playing.

  10. Unknown says:

    can you email us @ so we can check it out for you..


  11. Anonymous says:

    OK Its done. from st****@gmail with subject "CPU load at 100% and nothing work"

  12. Anonymous says:

    Why does mine crash as soon as I picked a tribe?

  13. Unknown says:

    you need to make sure your service pack for your OS is up to date.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Hi, it works great! But is there any video or tutorial how to configure the bot to his optimal? Or can someone explain it me?

  15. Anonymous says:

    hello, i download the trazerbot Version (T4.2) , and i have error on login ! i have windows 7 , u know the problem ? ty

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