TRAZERBOT for T4.2 high CPU fix

  • Added hu-HU translation 
  • Fixed regex engine hanging (cause of abnormal cpu usage)
  • Optimize IsReady() for ScheduledSendTroop

The high CPU usage is caused by 2 main factors, 1st is WPF  is hardware accelerated, meaning if you don't have a decent video card the OS will use CPU for UI rendering, the work around for this is to minimize TRAZERBOT if you are not doing anyhing on it. 2nd issue was the Regex engine hanging on certain regex pattern, I optimized the ones that I found, there might still be other regex hanging which I will need people to report on.

The following scenarios shows CPU performance for TRAZERBOT

With TRAZERBOT Maximized

With TRAZERBOT Minimized

This is tested on a Windows 7 64bit operating system with 4GB ram and a Core2Duo @ 2.66GHz processor.

Please check download section for the download link :)

6 Responses to TRAZERBOT for T4.2 high CPU fix

  1. TFish says:

    Minimize Can Stuck

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the fix! works great.

  3. Anonymous says:

    want to report bug.. when i have great stable or great barrack at village, bot not scan stable or barrack only scan great stable and great barrack..

  4. Unknown says:

    Can you send me email, I have not tested it with great barracks and barracks combination.

    if you can share your configuration please email

  5. Anonymous says:

    it's a miracle ! No more cpu loading every 10 mn, no more noise.. I have hear that *** bot loading and loading from so many days and now it is SO quiet that I guess it crash down ;)

    Good job man, really thanks !

  6. Anonymous says:

    omg it works :) thank you soooo much

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