TRAZERBOT for travian T4.2

Been busy with real life, again have to deal with other personal stuff too.
Anyway this update is to fix the issue for the new travian.
  • Fixed travian change to village
  • Added additional language packs

Please check download section for the new update.

List of planned features
- Auto NPC
- Auto evading

3 Responses to TRAZERBOT for travian T4.2

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi, you stop working in this bot? Any upgrade in next days? Thanks!

  2. Anonymous says:


    Are you trying to get us to jump on another BOT

    If that does not happen soon sktivt here, so then I also gone.

    I find I have thrown money down the drain.

    A bit of a shame because it was a good BOT

    What but Travian 5.0 which they have brought here in DK

    You have not responded to another request

    / Obelix

  3. Anonymous says:

    I take it that you've given up on this then? That sucks. It was such a good bot. Why not release the source for people to work on, or get somebody to help you?

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